The Reflex

Inconclusion,excessiveactivationoftheBJreflexduringacutemyocardialischemiamayexertanadverseeffectonAPregulation,notonlybysympathetic ...,Reflexcardiovasculardepressionwithvasodilationandbradycardiahasbeenvariouslytermedvasovagalsyncope,theBezold–...。參考影片的文章的如下:



In conclusion, excessive activation of the BJ reflex during acute myocardial ischemia may exert an adverse effect on AP regulation, not only by sympathetic ...

relationship to vasovagal syncope and the Bezold

Reflex cardiovascular depression with vasodilation and bradycardia has been variously termed vasovagal syncope, the Bezold–Jarisch reflex and neurocardiogenic ...

REFERENCES Branham's sign is an exaggerated Bezold

Bezold-Jarisch (B-J) reflex. Described in 1867, the B-J reflex causes bradycardia by stimulation of baroreceptors residing in the left ventricle. Certain ...

Interaction between the baroreceptor and Bezold

The interaction between the carotid baroreflex and Bezold-Jarisch (BJ) reflex (intravenously administered veratridine) was studied in anesthetized rabbits.

Neurotransmission of the Bezold

The Bezold-Jarisch (BJ) reflex was activated by serotonin (5-HT, iv) before and 10 min after bilateral microinjection of increasing doses of kynurenic acid.

Bezold-Jarisch Reflex

The Bezold-Jarisch reflex is characterized by the triad of bradycardia, hypotension, and peripheral vasodilation. It occurs most commonly ...

Bezold–Jarisch reflex

Clinically, the Bezold-Jarisch reflex is an inhibitory reflex usually denoted as a cardioinhibitory reflex defined as bradycardia, ...

Bezold–Jarisch reflex

The Bezold–Jarisch reflex involves a variety of cardiovascular and neurological processes which cause hypopnea hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure) ...


The Bezold-Jarisch reflex is an inhibitory reflex that originates from the heart, is mediated by the vagus nerve, and is manifested by hypotension and ...


Inconclusion,excessiveactivationoftheBJreflexduringacutemyocardialischemiamayexertanadverseeffectonAPregulation,notonlybysympathetic ...,Reflexcardiovasculardepressionwithvasodilationandbradycardiahasbeenvariouslytermedvasovagalsyncope,theBezold–Jarischreflexandneurocardiogenic ...,Bezold-Jarisch(B-J)reflex.Describedin1867,theB-Jreflexcausesbradycardiabystimulationofbaroreceptorsresidinginthel...